The Christian Youth Fellowship is the youth wing of the Mizoram Presbyterian Church from its inception, the Christian Youth Fellowship commonly known as the ‘KTP’ has been a platform to strengthen the youth’s, nurturing of youths for future leadership roles and pooling together of talents. It has enabled and helped its members to be closer to each other and to respect and express concern for each other. The KTP has been coordinating the youth works of different Districts and Branches and promoting closer ties to each other. As KTP is only a fellowship, it does not interfere in Church courts nor question the authority of any decisions taken by the Synod. On the other hand, it tries to be of greater service to the church as well as promoting various activities among the youth’s.
The main function of the Central KTP is to act as the body, which oversees the various activities of all districts and branches of the KTP spread out not only all over the state but also outside Mizoram. It ensures that all districts and branches work in cohesive. Existence KTP was formed on February 16, 1954 under the leadership of Rev. O.W. Owen (a missionary) working in Mizoram and a Provisional Committee was formed under the guidance and supervisions of Rev. O.W. Owen.
Motto : Saved to Serve ( Ephesians 2:10)
Objectives :
1) To guide the youths in faith and in the likeness of Jesus Christ.
2) To prepare the youth to be the pillar of the Church.
3) To fulfill the mission of the Church.
4) To preach the Gospel.
Guidelines :
Right from its inception the KTP has its own Guidelines, which is approved by the Synod Executive Committee (S.E.C.)of the Mizoram Presbyterian Church Synod. The Guidelines had been revised and enlarged 11 times (1954, 1962, 1969, 1974, 1978,1982,1985,1990,1995,1999 and 2004 respectively).
Membership :
The membership is open to all the Presbyterian youths in the Church between the age group of 14 to 40 years of age residing in the state and outside the state of Mizoram.
Statistics (2018 reports) :
(1) Number of Branches : 738
(2) Number of Districts/Pastorates : 206
(3) Members : 1,51,283
Worship/Services and Hierarchy :
K.T.P. is a three-tier Organization. It exists at the local church level, District level and Central level. Every Branch conducts weekly worship service every Monday evening and most of the Branches have their weekly Prayer meetings and fellowships every Sunday afternoon. These two regular meetings are very useful for the members not only in strengthening one another spiritually and giving a sense of unity amongst the members it also acts as a training ground for future leaders of the church and the community.
Central Kristian Thalai Pawl consists of six Office Bearers and 16 Committee Members. The Leader and General Secretary are appointed by Synod Executive Committee of the Mizoram Presbyterian Church Synod and the rest are elected by the Biennial General Conference, who are representatives of each District/Pastorate within Aizawl City.
Financial Statement :
The total sum of money raised by the Districts and Branches amounted to Rs.3,71,11,721 and Rs.26,77,957 in 2018. The Total Budget of Central Kristian Thalai Pawl during the year 2018-2019 is Rs. 48,20,000. The main sources of income are Budget received from Synod, District Budget received from Districts and from selling of Audio Cassettes and different books published by the Central KTP Committee
Mission and Evangelism :
Evangelization being one of its major objectives, the KTP alone supported 3,426 missionaries in 2018.The cost of supporting one missionary per month being Rs. 1,000 which is the minimum sponsorship amount fixed by the Synod Mission Board in order to promote missionary zeal among church members. Financial support for the missionaries, which are received from the Branches and District Committees, are submitted through the Fianance Department to be used by the Synod Mission Board.
Besides financial support, Districts and Branches also regularly organising Work Camps and Mission Field Visits to the various Mission Fields, these projects and visits also give the youth first-hand experience of the mission fields and therefore give them the awareness on the importance and the need for missions and its support. In 2018, 1098 KTP members are presently working as a missionaries in various parts of the country.
General Conference :
The General Conference, which has always been the main event of the KTP every year, is a source of inspiration and motivation for the members of the KTP. The first General Conference was held at Teachers’ Training School at Mission Veng from 23rd to 26th, September 1954. Since then the General Conference has been held annually at various venues in different parts of Mizoram till 2004. From 2005 the General Conference has been held biennially while a conference attended by only official delegates each representing a branch or a district is held in between the General Conferences.
In 2018 the 57th General Conference was held at West Phaileng village and was attended by more than 20,000 delegates. Fraternal delegates also attended the Conference from different parts of India and abroad. The Conference was blessed with sermons from important church leaders and special items presented by the youth’s from various districts. It was indeed a wonderful experience to witness and enjoy the variety of talents from different parts of the state.
Other programmes and activities of the Central KTP
Leadership training :
Since the KTP aims to produce future leaders of the church community leadership trainings are organized at all levels. Central Committee members are constantly requested by branches and districts to conduct these trainings.
Seminars on Substance abuse and alcoholism :
Since Substance abuse and alcoholism is becoming a menace in the state,especially among the youths, the Central KTP has taken up the ministry with the intent of educating the youths on it’s harmful effects and also the steps to be taken in order to help those youths facing such problems. Most branches and districts are currently engaged in programmes in helping to rehabilitate the youth’s who are in the clutches of this problem.
Seminar on HIV/AIDS :
As elsewhere in the world HIV/AIDS is now a problem the Mizo youth’s are facing today. In order to fight the epidemic the KTP is taking step to tackle the problem by organising awareness programmes and trainers’ training. It has also published booklets and paper so that all branches are able to make their member aware of this disease, and of the steps to be taken for prevention of the disease and on ways to take care the affected people.
Youth Recreation Centre :
In order to establish a Youth Recreation Centre a vast tract of land has been acquired by the KTP in the outskirts of Aizawl at Falkland. The land has is being developed so that the campus can be utilized by individuals, groups and Branches for prayer camps, retreats etc.
Theme of the Year :
K.T.P. has a practice of adhering to a particular theme for the year. This theme is being pursued by all Branches and Districts as per the guideline set by the Central Committee. The theme for 2019-2020 is “Draw near to God”.
Mizoram Synod Choir :
Music plays an integral part in the Mizo Christian Community. The Mizoram Synod Choir, the official Standing Choir of the Mizoram Presbyterian Church Synod has been instrumental in the Music Ministry of the Mizoram Synod. On behalf of the Mizoram Presbyterian Church Synod, the Central Kristian Thalai Pawl Committee (CKTP) manages and oversee the ministry of the Synod Choir.
Choir members are appointed by the CKTP (Central Christian Youth Fellowship) Committee. Members are inducted from Local Churches within the Aizawl City. At present, there are 25 members, comprising of 13 males, including the Conductor and 12 females. They are appointed for a period of two years. Apart from the 25 members, a director is appointed from the CKTP committee, who supervise the Choir.

CKKP Flag Sample

Bial KKP Flag Sample

Branch KKP Flag Sample